I’ve been hinting at it for a while now, especially on Instagram and Facebook, and today I’m excited to finally be releasing my first prayer beads collection!
Prayer beads have been used as tools for spiritual practice for millennia and across multiple faith traditions, drawing seekers closer to the Divine with each bead touched and prayer offered. Made in the Anglican format to be used by all followers of the Christian faith, the prayer beads in my new collection will broaden your prayer practice and encourage creativity as you gather prayers from Scripture and fellow seekers to help guide you along the way.
I purchased my first set of prayer beads just over five years ago. I was new to contemplative spirituality at the time and was smitten by the beauty and simplicity of the prayer beads, the invitation to recite prayers of old, and the opportunity to make my prayer practice tangible through the sense of touch as my fingers passed from bead to bead.
Praying with prayer beads has remained a part of my spiritual practice on and off ever sense, and when I picked them up again last summer to engage in the practice once more, I found myself wishing that I could wrap them around my wrist and carry them—and their invitation—with me as my day unfolded.
And so, I decided to make my own, and I knew I’d want to share them with you, too. You see, the prayer beads in the Journey shop aren’t just any prayer beads to carry in your pocket or leave on your nightstand (though both can be done!)—they’re wearable prayer beads. Threaded on an elastic strand, these unique prayer beads can be wrapped your around your wrist, reminding you of your intention and acting as a physical call to prayer throughout your day.
Each set comes in a drawstring muslin bag and contains a charm that corresponds with a particular theme and prayer (also included)—
a Celtic cross to represent the Trinitarian emphasis of the Celtic Christian faith and the belief that God can be found in all things, particularly the ordinary moments of our everyday lives;
a labyrinth to call to mind both the journeys we make abroad and in our everyday lives;
a feather to represent one of the four elements (wind), call to mind the character of the Holy Spirit (often symbolically portrayed as a dove or wild goose), and celebrate the many ways in which nature reveals its Creator;
and a hamsa hand—an ancient symbol representing the hand of God and used in multiple traditions, including Christianity—to remind us that as Christians our work is to cultivate peace as we follow in the way of Christ.
Another thing that I love about these prayer beads and that makes them unique is that the round wood beads are unfinished, which means you can rub them with essential oils to further deepen your embodied prayer experience. Think frankincense, lavender, clove—the options are endless! It offers the opportunity to personalize your prayer beads and is another way to make your practice your own.
My opinion? These wearable prayer beads would make an excellent addition to your Lenten spiritual practice or the perfect meaningful gift tucked in an Easter basket on Easter Sunday.
Visit the Journey Shop to learn more about each set, and click here to learn more about prayer beads and how to use them.
Pssst: I’ve also uploaded the prayers that come with each set of wearable prayer beads to my growing collection of free guides only available to subscribers. Not a subscriber? Sign up here to get instant access. (Subscribers—you’ll find the password to the collection at the bottom of each newsletter.)
All prayer beads will be just $25 through Ash Wednesday! Save $10 off the regular $35 price when you order by February 10.
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